Monthly Archives: March 2009


it’s time to conclude this blog. perhaps i’ll continue using it for my own personal purposes. it’s weird cause i never thought i would be blogging in the first place. well change is the only permanent thing then as THE LESTER puts it.

i thought the appriopriate way to conclude this note would be to talk about my blog address which is against the propagation of mass media and the messages they send. the song fake plastic tree. but instead i’ll touch on –

bob dylan – ballad of a thin man

a scene from i’m not there.

this is like the perpetuation of anarchy in mass media.

bob dylan used to write songs protesting about things he did not like or saw inequality in. especially in that era of social context, where the african americans were being ostriacized heavily.

his lyrics have always been considered poetic. he writes the obvious down in such a way that it’s abstract but obvious at the same time. sounds oxymoronic. 

i won’t touch on his lyrics because i’ll leave it up to you to interpret as opposed to me constantly trying to force some form of idea or opinion on you guys.

as most of you know even bands these days still write protest songs like green day for example with their american idiot album. or red hot chili peppers. but no one comes close to his art form. to be able to understand why he writes in such a way and why he writes protest songs, knowledge of his history is required.

the movie does touch a bit on his background but in general, he was in a perennial state of moratorium. he was constantly struggling between his identities. and that search for it led him to see the imperfections of the world. blessed with the gift to put it down in words so beautifully.

he wasn’t very educated maybe that’s why there weren’t rules to bound him and he was free. he was considered a free artist. a radical.



i just realized this point just went out of point.


to end it. mass media is a weapon in the right hands.


and to all of you blogging and comment. that one comment or post you make may influence a person’s life.


farhan – you will always be my rockstar man. kudos to you.
lester  – life is a learning experience. let it come to you. embrace it.
karen  – be confident of yourself. because no one can make you confident of yourself but yourself.
jamie  – stop drinking. korsakoff’s syndrome.
kam    – you’re a bitch.
khai    – dunhill and redwine.  
jason  – little mr UB.
zixing – i love your checkered military jacket. inspired me to get mine.
zn         – i’m never going to sign up for starhub if you’re still working there.
bev      – stop doing drugs.
marc   – ai zai. you’re superman. lose your phobia for kryponite.
ros       – i hope to see the day you’re a mother.

to whoever i’ve missed out when i remember you i’ll update this post.

till then.


the black sheep.

i wanted to another post about a bob dylan song with regards to mass media but i think i should go a little lighter. my posts seem to make less and less sense or irrationality. 

at times as always, incomprehensible.




i only want you guys to think about 1 thing.

how many of you are that sheep.

no one bothers about what he thinks. and even the one sheep that looks at it can’t do anything. 
so often at times,  there will be that deviant and there might be someone who will notice. he or she may or may not agree but the point being that they don’t really have a choice.

context. society. conformities. rules. black and whites. perceptions. 

groupthink simplies applies to a smaller scale but so many a times it is actually prevalent in the bigger picture.

even in class. someone might have a differing opinion that might be extreme or might not be what people approve of. now some of you at this point of time are probably thinking. shawn. are you talking about yourself.

fair enough. i consider myself a dissenter. not for the sake of rebelling.

simply because i think everyone assumes things. we don’t form our judgements based on our judgements because our judgements, perceptions, views are influenced by so many factors. i hate that. it eliminates individuality.

i will agree that to survive in a social context, you require to blend in. many a times at the expense of a great of things. and i can’t disagree with you all that perhaps like me are viewed in a rather negative light.

i only like to think of it in this sense –

the sheep says we don’t have to just be sheep.
he didn’t say we don’t have to be sheep. there’s a key difference.

he is exploring the various possibilities. to enrich himself. some of you might say self-denial. not accepting his true nature. but that only applies to the 2nd statement which is ‘we don’t have to be sheep’.

my point in this post is that. hold on what seperates you from everyone else even though at times you may be inclined to give it up because of peer pressure. your individuality is what makes you special and unique in your own way.

build on it instead of letting everyone else build on it for you.

at the end of the day you’re answering to yourself. not to them.

in the meantime i’ll stick to being that sheep. whether you want to listen to me is up to you. =)